Forecasting agile project progress over the year and managing team availability and revenue, while comparing actual results with forecasts, posed a challenge for our sales department. The decision-making process was time-consuming and prone to human error.
We implemented LINK to capture and organize critical data, including client information, project status, team roles, availability, and financial metrics. LINK integrates project management, time tracking, and client data in one place, providing an up-to-date and holistic view of our sales activities. It tracks both real and planned financial data, supports quarterly and yearly forecasts, and facilitates dynamic adjustments in resource allocation based on project needs and team capacity.
Implementing LINK improved project forecasting accuracy and enhanced team availability and revenue management. This helped us stay on track and within budget, ensuring efficient and strategic resource planning.
Adapt LINK to fit your business perfectly. Contact us today to start personalizing LINK for your unique needs.